Sunday, October 24, 2010

My dreams

So, I understand that blog title looks a bit strange, but that is going to be the main focus of this blog. I realized that this week has contained nothing really all that exciting. I could go into about 5 different stories, but only a couple of you would appreciate the stories because they are only funny because they are a reference to an obscure inside joke. So, instead, I will recount all of the dreams I have had, and remembered, in the past week.

This is actually really exciting for me, because I rarely remember my dreams. Like, there are probably 2 dreams that are memorable enough for me that I remember from before I got here. One to do with a porcupine, from when I was like 5, and another having to do with weed whackers, from just last year, which is probably the most vivid and memorable dream I have ever had. If I am in need of another thing to talk about on a post further down the line, I will just recount this story. It is one of my favorites.

Anywho, this whole thing came about because I was having an extended email conversation with Erin, and for some reason we got started talking about dreams, and I was frustrated that I never remember my dreams. I have always seen sleeping as a waste of time because you are just comatose, lying there, doing nothing (obscure XKCD reference for the day), and if I remembered my dreams I would not consider it such a waste of time. So I did some research (googled "remember your dreams") and was introduced to the following site: I took there advice, and have been able to remember about one dream a night. Some times I remember the waking up bit and knowing I had dreamed, but I didn't write it down and forgot the specific dream, and just knew I had dreamed and remembered it at one point. That is the most frustrating. (BTW, my handwriting is bad at 2 in the morning... like really, really, bad. Like worse than me writing with my nose. Worse probably than me writing with my toes. (Of those two mentioned, I still can't decide which would be worse. I should try them both some time.))

Oh, and sorry I didn't date them. I am too lazy to do that. But they are in chronological order.

1. iTunes worked
     -This is significant because on my computer iTunes doesn't work, and it is a bit frustrating. I think I was using my computer here, and I just clicked the iTunes thing, and iTunes popped up. All I can remember.
2. Chocolate cubes.
     -This is my yummy dream. It was about little cubes of chocolate, the same shape as older, fat keyboard keys. They were a beautiful black, and were really shiny and smooth and cool. And I can't remember if I made this up because of the connection with keyboards, or if it was actually part of the dream, but these chocolate keys might have had white chocolate letters on them. Doesn't that just... sound... wonderful. I would do quite a bit for chocolate like this right now, and I am living in Belgium... Ah well, will have to just be happy with my Côte d'Our. Yumm...
3. I was actually related to my host mother.
     -This one was probably my favorite of all of them. My cousin Matthew, who actually grew up for 2 years (I think, might have just been one) was a star appearance in this dream. He was chatting with my host mother, and they were talking for some reason about her wedding and it came up that Matthew had been at the wedding (just for the record, Matthew was not born when my host parents were getting marries). For some reason all of this conversation was in English. I think I stole the keyboard from my host mother and started to type to Matthew that I was their host son for the year. We got talking and some how Matthew was related to her, I remember knowing how he was related, but I have forgotten. I want to say he was her nephew by marrage, but I don't know... But somehow his relation meant I was related.  Also, I have written in my dream diary that Annick, my host mother's name, was spelled differently. I don't know why I thought this was important, but I did.
4. Explained my necklace.
     -This one was a very sharded one. I didn't actually write it down at night, I just had a random thought that I explained my necklace (one from Sarah. Thank you Sarah. I still wear it) to someone, and I remembered doing it, and explaining it in English. But thinking back at that time, I didn't remember ever doing it. And then I was like OH YEAH, it was a dream. so it got a little note.
5. I had really big floaters of back wash in my water bottle.
    -Pretty self explanatory. Not really a story here. Just had chunks of chewed food in my water. Moving on.
6. Found my other sock.
     -For a while I have had just this one loner sock, and so in this dream I was ecstatic to find the second sock, even more so because I was running out (like I often do). I eventually found the missing sock, stuck in the bottom of the cloths hamper here.
7. Soccer goal.
     -This was a strange one. There was a big group of us, I don't remember who, but I do remember it was a mix of people I know from back home and Belgians I have met here. There was a soccer goal, and we played 3 different games with the goal. The first was just one person a goalie, and everyone else was throwing stuff at the goal and the goalie tried to block. If I remember correctly I was the goalie. Maybe not the whole time, but for part of the time. I have written we played a game with "sobreds" If anyone knows what a sobred is, please tell me. I have no clue. But then the third game was the strangest. I didn't see the objective or the outcome. All I saw was someone lowering down one end of the goal, so the left post was like 2 feet tall, and then people started climbing on from that side of the goal. I don't know what was going on, and I had not yet gotten on the goal. I was woken up at about that time, so I got no more of that dream. Was a little sad...
8. Man in black robe.
     -This was one of those dreams where not a lot happened, but the image was very vivid. Very clear. It is probably my second favorite, behind being related to my host mother. It was just this image of a man, in a black cloak, gliding through a forest. Everything was very detailed, but it was a bit blurry, almost like someone painted the image. It instantly reminded me of the Village when thinking back on it. It was very creepy, and I very much want that image from my head in the form of a painting. Too bad I can't paint.
9. Guy in a af is ass
     -Yeah, have no clue on this one. Wrote it down at whenever in the night, and then waking up later and reading it, that was all I could get out of it. The first a might be a 9, but all the other letters are pretty clear. That is all I got and I have no clue what it means. But it must be true. Those nine guys in af must be complete jerks.

So those were my dreams for a little over a week. I hope to keep up this dream diary and keep on trying to remember everything that happens. Maybe instead of all of them I will just share my favorites with you every once in a while.

So yes, that is a taste of what Westons do in Belgium for a year. We wake ourselves up in the middle of the night to scribble on paper about what we might or might not have made up. Fun times.

Miss you all terribly. And congrats to all at the most recent NAC. I heard it went smashingly for all, and I heard about some top 16 finishes. Congrats ;-). I am glad everyone is doing so well. Keep it real for me back in the states.

~Weston Halberstadt


  1. weston, you're funny... make me smile ;)

  2. Did you celebrate Halloween in Belgium? I most certainly hope so.

  3. Funny, the one dream I had (or at least remembered) this week had you in it! We were on that boat that you had taken pictures of previously and we were doing the polka for about 2 seconds. It was exciting.

