Saturday, October 16, 2010

Party in Jemelle

     So, for all of Belgium high schools, Wednesdays are half days. So, many of the exchange students here go to Liege to get drunk after school on Wednesdays. This is something I haven't done up to this point, and I don't really plan of attending, but the Kanzinians and I had a party of our own last Wednesday. Washington has to go home early because of issues with her school here and at home (credits are not going to be able to transfer and she needs 3 credits to graduate) so it was required that we had a going away party for her. The problem with this was half of our group lives in Arlon, which is way south of where Washington and I live here in Hamoir. It would take 2 hours and 2 trains to get from one location to the other. But luckily, there is one station in the town of Jemelle with a direct train to from each of our towns. So we each boarded our respective trains and met up in this town.
      Let me tell you a bit about Jemelle. This town is pathetic and scary. There is really no other way to describe it. Getting off the platform, the first thing we see is some sort of gigantic industrial building. I think it was probably a quarry. The second thing we saw was an abandoned building with rubble coating the floor and every window broken.
     I would like to point out how our first impressions did not involve people. That is because there were none. Honestly, we saw no more than 2 people in the whole time we were there, and they were in cars driving away from the town. I can't get my stupid camera to upload the pics, but just believe me, there was nothing in this town. It was like this was the place where the zombie apocalypse hit, and all the zombies were scared inside by the sunlight.
     I was perfectly content exploring this town, possibly because I have no concept of self preservation, but the others were a little afraid of being raped, so we took a train one stop south where there was actually something to do. I don't remember the name of the town, but there were visible people, so it was for sure an improvement. We found a random mini grocery store, bought some drinks and bags of chips, and then sat under a tree, talking, drinking, and eating chips. It was a lot of fun actually, and we avoided being raped or killed, so in the end I think it was a success.
     I want to take this last part of this post to say Washington, we will miss you! I no longer have an excuse to go to your house and eat you host moms waffles (so good!).
     I hope everything works itself out. Good luck with everything Kelsey.


  1. bahaha... il semble comme lebanon. peut-etre plus extreme. je suis heureux que tu n'as pas viole ou as tue. =) je veux des images de ce voyage. aussi, merci pour aujourd'hui. je ne pense pas que tu comprends combien tu as aider... et pardon mon francais pauvre. tout est souligne dans rouge ;P

  2. Your friends sound like Sarah in Ohio last weekend... very cautious of rape.

  3. Thank you Kansas <3 I love and miss you very much.
