Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hey everyone. Sorry it has been a while since I have blag-o-blogged... I've been busy with stuff/been feeling lazy... Yeah, sorry about that. So first piece of exciting news is we have gotten snow! It is really exciting, but at the same time, a bit depressing... It means that the winter is here, and isn't going to be leaving for a while... I was so cold last night sleeping, I don't know why... Made me a bit sad... But still, snow is snow! I would have a picture, but I am lazy, and that requires getting out my camera, taking the picture, finding my thing to plug the memory chip into my computer, wrestling with Blogspot to get the picture uploaded, and then wrestling with the formatting to make everything look descent... Yesterday looked something this. (For those of you less tech savy, click the blue this and it will link you to a new page with a picture of snow... facepalm.jpg)

Another problem with the cold, besides it being cold, is it becomes a real difficult decision to open my window when I shower. See, my room was a garage at one point, and so the shower in my room is just a plastic insertable (not a word, but I don't care) shower, without a vent or anything... Normally I would open my window when showering (I would leave the blinds down. Flashing my neighbors was not something on my list of to do's while here) to let the steam out so I didn't turn my room into a sauna or a penicillin farm. But now it is so cold, that doing that is really not a happy prospect. The shower is nice and warm, but as soon as I step out ARCTIC FREEZE! Not fun the first time I tried it... Haven't tried is since...

In other news, the French class project, that I may or may not have mentioned previously, went really well. I worked a lot with my French teacher, and some of the other students (Thanks Nadège!) to get the pronunciation down and to make sure the stuff I wrote was good French (most of it wasn't and had to be changed... sad face) But I got everything fairly well prepared, and presented. And it went amazingly. It turns out the thing was a competition, and 8 or so of the people from each class got to present for the other teachers and students. 5 people were chosen by other students, and 3 or so were chosen by the teacher. I was one of the ones chosen, which was really exciting for me! I wasn't chosen by my class mates, which would have been really satisfying, but when my teacher suggested I move on to the semifinals(I think that is what they are calling this next part), the other students all agreed, so that made me happy. But that also means I have to work that much more to make sure my pronunciation is perfect, or as perfect as can be, for the speech. I have discovered that the French language has a lot more sounds than English. There are the ones I was already familiarly with, the French 'r' and such, but there are also others that I didn't really think about. There are about twice as many vowel sounds in French as there are in English. Makes me sad...

So that is basically what my week has been like. Cold and a bit frustrating, but worth all the work I had put in.  I hope everything is going fine state side (or in England...). I missed you all during Thanksgiving. Wish I could have been there to celebrate with my family and see all my friends back home for break. Hope your family time was wonderful.

~Weston Halberstadt


  1. weston! i was excited reading this because we got snow today too =D's two days late at this point, but i don't really care. point two: a suggestion on the shower - use cooler water. and shorten it. leave the windows closed. the thought of wasting all that heat almost made me cry. and very cold. (like when you hit your head and my head hurt...) also, i love french vowels! they sound cool. don't diss them =P

  2. also, i'm disappointed in your lack of photo persistence. is it really that difficult? =(
