Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The holidays...

...are here! It is really exciting. I just realized today that there are 3 days until Christmas. Isn't that crazy! I was lost in my own little world of the torture of exams, and didn't pay attention to the date. Wow. Well, that is probably a good thing that everything is happening so quickly. It doesn't give me time to think, and for a big part that is what I've been doing here: sitting around thinking.

Another thing that is approaching quickly is my changing of families. On December 27, I will be moving to a different house, a different family, and a completely different set of habits to get accustomed to. Needless to say, I am scared out of my mind. But however scared I am, I am twice as excited. It is going to be so good to finally live with some kids my own age. I don't know how much I have told you guys about my next family. Everyone starts laughing when I tell them which family I am going to be going to next. They all tell me that it is going to be great living there. But I am a bit worried that their initial reaction is to laugh. But I can see how that reaction might be appropriate; my host mom told me yesterday that on her way back from shopping she saw one of my host brothers walking down the street in shorts and a t-shirt. And keep in mid this was with over a foot of snow on the ground. But overall I am really excited. They have 4 kids, and I know for sure 3, but I think it might be all 4, play an instrument. So judging by all of this, I am guessing there won't be a lot of silence in that house. And I do like noise.

Speaking of the snow, we broke some sort of record here. We have had over 3 weeks of straight snow. Ok, well it hasn't been snowing for 3 weeks, but at least once a day for the past 3+ weeks, it has snowed. I think today was actually the first snow free day. This is very strange, particularly this early in the winter (I do believe the first day of winter was yesterday yes?), but anyway, this many consecutive days of snow in December hasn't happened since 1901. That is a long time. It is pretty exciting.

I don't really know what else to talk about at this point. I could talk about my finals, but there isn't anything surprising. The classes I thought I would do well in (Math, Science classes, English) seemed to go really well. The classes I wasn't so optimistic about (History, Geogrophy, and French) were disasters. But I knew I wasn't going to do any better. At least I took all of my tests, and understood most everything. That is the thing I will celebrate.

I hope finals went splendidly for all of you who took finals, and I hope everything else is going well for everyone. I love you an I miss you all. Have a wonderful break.

~Weston Halberstadt

PS- I feel like my English is getting worse. Sorry about that. I hope it isn't too confusing to read... :-/

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